plz help me if u can thank u for time!

1) which order lists government types from the least power for the people to the most?
a: oligarchy, autocracy, republic
b: autocracy, oligarchy, democracy
c: democracy, unitary, parliamentary
d: federation, republic, unitary

2) the leswaygo times is a newspaper in the imaginary country leswaygo. you read in one of its online articles that the people are unhappy with the new king. he is making changes to make leswaygo more modern. he believes this will benifit the country but the people don't agree. they are demanding a change in the law to have a voice in any major decisions through voting. if the king allows this, it will change the leswaygo form of government to:

A: communism
B: democracy
C: autocracy
D: socialism

Yes, both are right, now.


You're very welcome. And thank you!

We'll be glad to check your answers.

1) c

)d thank u for ur help

1) c - no

2) d - no

1) b?


Thanks Ms. Sue. You are very helpful. Have a wonderful day!

1) To determine the order of government types from least power for the people to the most, we need to understand the basic characteristics of each government type. Here's a breakdown:

a) Oligarchy: In an oligarchy, power is held by a small group of individuals or families. The general population has limited or no say in the decision-making process.

b) Autocracy: Autocracy refers to a form of government where a single individual holds absolute power. The people have no say in the decision-making process.

c) Republic: In a republic, the power rests with the people and is exercised through elected representatives. The people have a voice in the decision-making process through voting for their representatives.

d) Federation: A federation is a system of government where power is shared between a central government and regional or local governments. The people have a say both at the central and regional levels.

Now, let's compare the options:

a: oligarchy, autocracy, republic
This order suggests that the people have the least power in an oligarchy, followed by an autocracy, and finally have the most power in a republic. This appears to be the correct order.

b: autocracy, oligarchy, democracy
According to this order, the people have the least power in an autocracy, followed by an oligarchy, but the order suggests that a democracy has more power than an oligarchy, which is incorrect.

c: democracy, unitary, parliamentary
This option does not follow the least to most power order for the people. Additionally, it includes terms like "unitary" and "parliamentary," which are not part of the original question.

d: federation, republic, unitary
This option includes terminology not mentioned in the original question, and it does not follow the least to most power order for the people.

Based on our analysis, the correct answer is option a: oligarchy, autocracy, republic.

2) In the given scenario, the people of Leswaygo are demanding a change in the law to have a voice in major decisions through voting. Currently, the country is under the rule of a king who has absolute power. Let's analyze the possible outcomes:

A: communism
Communism is a socio-economic system where all property is owned collectively, and the government controls all aspects of economic and political life. It does not align with the scenario described.

B: democracy
Democracy is a form of government where power rests with the people, and they exercise it through voting for representatives. Since the people in Leswaygo want a voice in major decisions through voting, changing to a democracy would be the appropriate choice.

C: autocracy
Autocracy refers to a government where a single individual holds absolute power. Since the people want a change and a voice in major decisions, remaining under an autocratic rule would not address their concerns.

D: socialism
Socialism is an economic system where the means of production and distribution are owned and controlled collectively. It does not directly address the situation described in the scenario.

Based on the information provided, the correct answer is option B: democracy.