Posted by SpitFireRedHead on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at 8:23am.

Please check this. Thanks!

1. Which of the following shows fossils as evidence of continental drift?
a. Limestone layers in the Appalachian Mountains of North America were exactly the same as the limestone in Scotland’s highlands.
b. Mesosaursus, an ancient reptile, had been discovered in South America and Africa.***
c. Glacial deposits and rock surfaces scoured and polished by glaciers are found in South America, India, Africa, and Australia.
d. One type of rock found in Brazil matched a rock found in western Africa.

2.According to Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift,
a. Earth’s surface is made up of seven major landmasses.
b. The continents do not move.
c. Earth is slowly cooling and shrinking.
d. The continents were once joined together in a single landmass.

3.How are igneous rocks formed?
a. Compaction and cementation of sediments.
b. Cooling and solidification of magma.***
c. Weathering of rocks.
d. Application of pressure and heat to sedimentary rocks.

4.Sandstone is a sedimentary rock. Which of the following characteristics would you look for in a piece of sandstone?
a. Rock has sparkly or alternating color layers that are bent or folded.
b. Rock has layers and smaller pieces of rock in it. It also has fossil in it.***
c. Rock has holes in it, and it has a glassy appearance.
d. Rock contains mineral crystals that have grown together.

5.In which way does quartz break?
a. Cleavage
b. Fracture
c. Luster
d. Flat planes

6. Which type of rock forms because of high heat and pressure?
a. Igneous rock
b. Sedimentary rock
c. Metamorphic rock***
d. Sediment

7.Which of the following forms when rocks are weathered and eroded?
a. Igneous rock
b. Sedimentary rock
c. Metamorphic rock
d. Sediment***

Why are some of your answers not marked? We will check your answers, not give you the answers. Understand? Try again and state all your answers and we will check them. Thank you.

To answer the questions:

1. To determine which of the following options shows fossils as evidence of continental drift, we need to analyze each option and see if it supports continental drift through the presence of fossils. The correct answer is b. Mesosaursus, an ancient reptile, had been discovered in South America and Africa. This shows that the continents were once connected because the same type of fossil was found in both regions.

2. To answer this question, we need to recall Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift. According to his hypothesis, the continents were once joined together in a single landmass. Therefore, the correct answer is d. The continents were once joined together in a single landmass.

3. To determine how igneous rocks are formed, we need to understand the process. Igneous rocks are formed through the cooling and solidification of magma. Therefore, the correct answer is b. Cooling and solidification of magma.

4. To identify the characteristics of sandstone, we need to understand its properties. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock, so it is composed of layers and smaller pieces of rock. It also commonly contains fossils. Therefore, the correct answer is b. Rock has layers and smaller pieces of rock in it. It also has fossils in it.

5. To determine how quartz breaks, we need to know its fracture properties. Quartz breaks through fracture, which means it breaks irregularly and does not split along smooth planes. Therefore, the correct answer is b. Fracture.

6. To determine which type of rock forms because of high heat and pressure, we need to understand the different types of rocks. The correct answer is c. Metamorphic rock. Metamorphic rocks are formed due to the transformation of existing rocks through high heat and pressure.

7. To determine what forms when rocks are weathered and eroded, we need to understand the process of weathering and erosion. When rocks are weathered and eroded, sediment is formed. Therefore, the correct answer is d. Sediment.