President Andrew Johnson said "this is a country for white men." How did he act on this belief?

A. He appointed the Republican Cabinet
B. He refused to take the presidential oath of office
C. He vetoed most reconstruction legislation
D. He withdrew the military from southern states

My answer is C?

Thanks so much for helping me.

To answer this question, you can examine President Andrew Johnson's actions during his tenure. President Johnson was known for his lenient approach towards the seceded Southern states and his opposition to the Radical Republicans' Reconstruction policies. Specifically, he took several actions that reflected his belief in a country for white men:

C. He vetoed most reconstruction legislation:
President Johnson consistently vetoed legislative bills that aimed to protect the rights and grant equal opportunities to African Americans. This opposition to legislative measures intended to ensure civil rights and equality for all citizens reflected his belief in a country primarily for white men.

D. He withdrew the military from southern states:
Another action that demonstrated his belief was his decision to withdraw federal troops from the Southern states. This action effectively ended the protection of African American rights and allowed Southern states to implement discriminatory measures such as Black Codes and segregation.

It is important to note that selecting one of these options does not encompass all of Johnson's actions or beliefs. However, options C and D are more closely related to his stance on race and his vision for the country.


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