Over a 5 week period, the price of an MP3 player dropped steadily, from $140 to $90.

What was the average weekly change in the price of the MP3 player over this period?

That the price "dropped steadily" implies a linear relationship, which would simply be change in price over change in time.

(140 - 90) / 5 = -$10 / week.

To find the average weekly change in the price of the MP3 player over the 5-week period, you need to calculate the total change in price and then divide it by the number of weeks.

First, let's calculate the total change in price. The initial price of the MP3 player was $140, and it dropped to $90 over a 5-week period. To find the total change, subtract the final price from the initial price:

Total change in price = Final price - Initial price
Total change in price = $90 - $140
Total change in price = -$50

Now, divide the total change in price by the number of weeks to find the average weekly change:

Average weekly change = Total change in price / Number of weeks
Average weekly change = -$50 / 5
Average weekly change = -$10

Therefore, the average weekly change in the price of the MP3 player over this 5-week period is $10 decrease.