what am I become with these sub guys help plz

Anything you want to become! Investigate careers and find out what is required to qualify for what you want to do.

Consult your school counselor, who can estimate your abilities and interests and the careers they correspond to.

To understand what you can become with the help of "sub guys," it would be helpful to have more context about who or what these "sub guys" are. However, based on the limited information provided, I can offer a general explanation.

1. Identify the meaning of "sub guys": Determine what "sub guys" refers to. Are they classmates, colleagues, mentors, or a specific group of individuals?

2. Assess their expertise or skills: Determine what specific knowledge or expertise the "sub guys" possess. This will help you understand how they can assist you in your journey.

3. Clarify your goals and interests: Identify your own aspirations, interests, or areas where you want to make progress or improve. This will allow you to better align your goals with the capabilities of the "sub guys."

4. Engage in open communication: Reach out to the "sub guys" and have a conversation with them. Clearly explain your goals and interests, and ask how they can assist you. Be open and receptive to their guidance and suggestions.

5. Collaborate and learn: Actively engage and collaborate with the "sub guys" to benefit from their expertise. Learn from their experiences, ask questions, and actively participate in any opportunities they offer.

By following these steps, you can leverage the help of the "sub guys" to work towards your goals and potentially become successful in your chosen field or area of interest.