identify 3 human rights violation or discriminations

OK. I've done that. Now what?

the human rights are the way in which a person can feel and want to be treated

is because the have given me a homework about human rights violations or discrimination

To identify three human rights violations or discriminations, you can start by referring to international human rights frameworks and documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). These documents outline a wide range of human rights that should be protected for all individuals. Here are three examples of human rights violations or discriminations:

1. Discrimination based on race or ethnicity: This occurs when individuals or groups are treated unfairly or unequally due to their race or ethnic background. It involves denying certain rights or opportunities to individuals based on their racial or ethnic identity. One example of this is racial profiling by law enforcement, where individuals are targeted and subjected to unfair treatment solely based on their race or ethnicity.

2. Gender inequality and discrimination: Gender-based discrimination occurs when individuals are treated differently based on their gender. This can include denial of equal opportunities in education, employment, or decision-making processes. A significant example of this is the gender pay gap, where women are often paid less than men for performing the same job.

3. Violation of freedom of expression: Freedom of expression encompasses the right to hold opinions, express thoughts, and share information without interference. This right can be violated by governments, organizations, or individuals through censorship, surveillance, or by suppressing dissenting voices. Journalists, activists, or social media users facing harassment, imprisonment, or violence for expressing their opinions are examples of violations of freedom of expression.

It is important to note that the examples provided here are just a small representation of human rights violations and discriminations that exist globally. A detailed examination of national and international reports can reveal a broader range of human rights violations and discriminations occurring in different contexts.