Point $G$ is the midpoint of median $\overline{XM}$ of $\triangle XYZ$. Point $H$ is the midpoint of $\overline{XY}$, and point $T$ is the intersection of $\overline{HM}$ and $\overline{YG}$. Find the area of $\triangle MTG$ if $[XYZ] =150$.

Please only post your questions once. Repeating posts will not get a quicker response. In addition, it wastes our time looking over reposts that have already been answered in another post. Thank you.

Also post with the same name.

See your later post.

Duh, isn't it obvious? Janice is cheating by asking questions from her AoPS Geometry homework. This question has been asked by many others who are taking the same course. However, this will get you nowhere.

To find the area of triangle $MTG$, we will first need to find the lengths of the sides of this triangle.

Let's start by examining the given information:

1. Point $G$ is the midpoint of median $\overline{XM}$.
2. Point $H$ is the midpoint of $\overline{XY}$.
3. Point $T$ is the intersection of $\overline{HM}$ and $\overline{YG}$.

Since $G$ is the midpoint of median $\overline{XM}$, we know that $G$ divides $\overline{XM}$ into two equal segments. Therefore, we can say that $XG = GM$.

Similarly, since $H$ is the midpoint of $\overline{XY}$, we know that $H$ divides $\overline{XY}$ into two equal segments. Therefore, $XH = HY$.

Next, since $T$ is the intersection of $\overline{HM}$ and $\overline{YG}$, $\triangle THY \sim \triangle TXM$ by AA similarity (since $\angle THY$ is vertical to $\angle TXM$ and $\angle TYH$ is vertical to $\angle TXM$).

Since $\triangle THY$ is similar to $\triangle TXM$, we can create the following ratios:

$\frac{TH}{TX} = \frac{TY}{TM} = \frac{HY}{XM}$

But we know that $XH = HY$ and $XG = GM$. Therefore, we can rewrite the ratio as $\frac{TH}{TX} = \frac{XH}{XG}$.

Now, let's examine the points provided in the question.

We are given that $[XYZ] = 150$, which implies that the area of triangle $\triangle XYZ$ is 150.

Since point $G$ is the midpoint of $\overline{XM}$, we can deduce that $\frac{[XGM]}{[XYZ]} = \frac{1}{4}$.

We can also deduce that $\frac{[XGM]}{[XTM]} = \frac{XG}{TX}$.

Combining these ratios, we get $\frac{[XGM]}{[XYZ]} \cdot \frac{[XYZ]}{[XTM]} = \frac{1}{4} \cdot \frac{XG}{TX} = \frac{[XGM]}{[XTM]}$.

Since $[XYZ] = 150$, we can substitute this into the ratio to get $\frac{1}{4} \cdot \frac{XG}{TX} = \frac{[XGM]}{[XTM]}$.

Now, let's consider the area of triangles $\triangle XGM$ and $\triangle XTM$.

We know that $XG = GM$ based on the given information. Since $XG = GM$, we can say that $[XGM] = \frac{1}{2} \cdot XG \cdot GM = \frac{1}{2} \cdot XG^2$.

Similarly, we can say that $[XTM] = \frac{1}{2} \cdot XT \cdot TM = \frac{1}{2} \cdot TX \cdot TM$.

Substituting these values into the ratio, we get $\frac{1}{4} \cdot \frac{XG}{TX} = \frac{\frac{1}{2} \cdot XG^2}{\frac{1}{2} \cdot TX \cdot TM}$.

Since $\frac{1}{2}$ cancels out, we have $\frac{1}{4} \cdot \frac{XG}{TX} = \frac{XG^2}{TX \cdot TM}$.

Simplifying further, we have $\frac{1}{4} \cdot \frac{XG}{TX} = \frac{XG}{TM}$, which implies that $\frac{XG}{TX} = \frac{XG}{TM}$.

From this, we can deduce that $TX = TM$.

Now, let's consider triangle $\triangle TGH$. We know that $XG = GM$ because point $G$ is the midpoint of median $\overline{XM}$.

Since $TX = TM$, we can say that triangle $\triangle TGH$ is isosceles, with base $\overline{TG}$.

Let $TG = h$ (where $h$ is the length of $\overline{TG}$).

Since $\triangle TGH$ is isosceles, we know that the height of $\triangle TGH$ (which is the perpendicular distance from $M$ to $\overline{TG}$) bisects the base.

Therefore, the height of $\triangle TGH$ is equal to $\frac{1}{2} \cdot h$.

Thus, the area of $\triangle TGH$ is $\frac{1}{2} \cdot h \cdot h = \frac{h^2}{2}$.

Finally, since $[XYZ] = 150$, we know that $\frac{[MTG]}{[XYZ]} = \frac{1}{4}$.

Substituting this into the equation, we get $\frac{[MTG]}{150} = \frac{1}{4}$.

Solving for $[MTG]$, we have $[MTG] = \frac{150}{4} = \boxed{37.5}$.