Which of the following provides the raw materials for the genetic variations that play an important role in natural selection?

C.cell differentiation


Just saying, the answer is c) Cell Diferentiation

Im sorry, I put the wrong answer. The answer is D) Mutations. The reason why, is because it is the source of all genetic variations. Mutations are considered a raw material to natural selection.

The correct answer is D) Mutations.

Now, let me explain how you can arrive at this answer. To understand which option provides the raw materials for the genetic variations that play a role in natural selection, we need to understand what each of the options means.

A) Mitosis: Mitosis is the process by which cells divide to generate daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell. It is not directly involved in creating genetic variations.

B) Homeostasis: Homeostasis refers to the tendency of organisms to maintain stable internal conditions. While it is important for overall organism function, it is not related to genetic variations.

C) Cell Differentiation: Cell differentiation is the process by which cells in multicellular organisms become specialized and take on different functions. Again, this process is not directly linked to generating genetic variations.

D) Mutations: Mutations are changes in the DNA sequence of an organism. They can create new genetic variations that can then be subject to natural selection. Hence, mutations provide the raw materials for genetic variations that play an important role in natural selection.

In conclusion, the correct answer is D) Mutations.