Talia tossed a penny many times. she got 40 heads and 60 tails. she said the experimental probability of getting heads was 40 over 60. Explain and correct her error.

It should be 40 out of 100 tries.

40/100 = 4/10 = 2/5

However, it's more likely that eventually, the probability would be closer to 50/100 = 1/2.

Talia's statement about the experimental probability is incorrect. The experimental probability of an event is found by dividing the number of favorable outcomes (in this case, the number of times she got heads) by the total number of outcomes (the total number of times she tossed the penny).

To correct her error, we need to fix the numerator and denominator of the fraction. She got 40 heads out of 100 total tosses (40 heads + 60 tails). Therefore, the experimental probability of getting heads is 40/100.

Simplifying this fraction yields 2/5, which means that Talia got heads 2 out of 5 times when she tossed the penny.

To explain and correct Talia's error, we need to understand probabilistic concepts. The experimental probability is the ratio of the number of favorable outcomes to the total number of outcomes observed from an experiment.

In this case, Talia tossed a penny many times and got 40 heads and 60 tails. She claimed that the experimental probability of getting heads was 40 over 60, which is incorrect.

To correct her error, we need to determine the total number of outcomes observed. Since Talia tossed the penny many times, the total number of outcomes is the sum of the number of heads (40) and the number of tails (60), which is 100.

Now, to find the correct experimental probability of getting heads, we divide the number of heads by the total number of outcomes. Therefore, the correct experimental probability of getting heads is 40 divided by 100, which can be simplified to 2/5 or 0.4.

To summarize, Talia's error was incorrectly stating that the experimental probability of getting heads was 40 over 60. The correct experimental probability is 2/5 or 0.4 when considering the total number of outcomes observed, which is 100 (40 heads + 60 tails).