[SCROOGE touches PRESENT’s robe. The lights fade out on the Cratchits, who sit, frozen, at the table. SCROOGE and PRESENT in a spotlight now. Thunder, lightning, smoke. They are gone.]

What purpose is served by these stage directions?

They explain Scrooge’s character.
They signal a change of setting. ***
They describe the Cratchit home.
They show the director’s skill.

yes i had the same question and u are correct

The purpose served by these stage directions is to signal a change of setting. Stage directions are instructions written in a script that guide the actors, crew, and directors on how to perform the play or create the desired effects. In this particular example, the stage directions indicate a shift from the Cratchit home to a different location involving Scrooge and Present. By fading out the lights on the Cratchits and placing Scrooge and Present in a spotlight while using thunder, lightning, and smoke, the stage directions create a visual and atmospheric change, enhancing the storytelling and providing a clear indication of the transition to a new setting or scene.