Do research on an area of a technology that interest you.


But I don't know what area of technology interests you.

oh lol duh um does it mean any tech. like iphones macs stuff like that?


OHHHHHHH LOL IM SO dumb LOLOL ok thx so much! this is gonna be fun/hard idk whihc tech. there are a lot

You're welcome. :-)

Sure! There are numerous interesting areas of technology to explore and research, based on your personal preferences and interests. Here are a few ideas to consider:

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Dive into the different applications of AI, such as natural language processing, computer vision, or machine learning. You could study how AI is revolutionizing industries like healthcare, finance, or transportation.

To research AI, you can start by reading books and scientific papers related to the field. Websites like and Google Scholar provide access to a wide range of research papers. You can also take online courses on platforms like Coursera or edX to gain a deeper understanding of AI concepts and applications.

2. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): Explore how AR and VR technologies are changing the way we experience the world. You can delve into the development of immersive VR environments, AR applications in education or entertainment, or how these technologies are advancing in gaming and simulation.

To begin your research on AR and VR, visit websites of leading technology companies like Oculus, Microsoft, or Google to learn about their latest developments. Additionally, you can join online forums dedicated to AR and VR enthusiasts, like Reddit's r/augmentedreality or r/virtualreality, to gain insights and engage in discussions.

3. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: Investigate how blockchain technology works, its applications beyond cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, and the impact it is having on industries like finance, supply chain management, or healthcare.

To research blockchain and cryptocurrencies, start by reading books by industry experts, such as "Mastering Bitcoin" by Andreas Antonopoulos. You can also follow reputable technology-focused websites like Coindesk and Cointelegraph, where you will find the latest news, articles, and analysis related to this field.

Remember, these are just a few examples of areas to explore. The world of technology is vast, so feel free to choose a topic that truly captivates your interest.