I am doing a practice test and I am stuck on a couple of questions.

1.) Write a rule for the following sequence
8, -1, -10, -19

2.) Find the next three terms of the sequence
-2, -12, -72, -432

3.) Which explains why the sequence 81, 3, 1/9


Nobody knows. I'm SAD

1.) 9 is subtracted from the previous number.

What rules do you see for the others?

1. arithmetic sequence with a = 8 and d = -9

2. geometric series with first term -2 and ratio r = 6

3. geometric again r = (1/9)



What are all the answers

Yea what are they

1.) To write a rule for the given sequence 8, -1, -10, -19, we need to identify the pattern or relationship between the terms. One way to do this is to look at the differences between consecutive terms.

The difference between the first and second terms is -9 (8 - (-1) = 9), and the difference between the second and third terms is also -9 (-1 - (-10) = 9). Similarly, the difference between the third and fourth terms is -9 (-10 - (-19) = 9).

From this, we can observe that the sequence is decreasing by 9 with each term. Therefore, the rule can be expressed as "start with 8 and subtract 9 for each subsequent term."

2.) To find the next three terms of the sequence -2, -12, -72, -432, we can again look for a pattern or relationship between the terms. One way to do this is to divide each term by the preceding term.

The ratio between the second and first terms is -12 / -2 = 6. The ratio between the third and second terms is -72 / -12 = 6. Similarly, the ratio between the fourth and third terms is -432 / -72 = 6.

From this, we can observe that the sequence is multiplying by -6 with each term. Therefore, we can find the next three terms by multiplying the last term (-432) by -6 successively.

The next term would be -432 * -6 = 2592. The term after that would be 2592 * -6 = -15552. And the term after that would be -15552 * -6 = 93312.

So, the next three terms of the sequence are 2592, -15552, and 93312.

3.) It seems that there is a mistake in writing the sequence 81, 3, 1/9. The pattern or relationship between the terms is not immediately apparent. It is possible that there is a transcription error or missing information. Therefore, it is difficult to explain the sequence without further clarification.