English is the language of opportunity why bother to teach indigenous language.

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Teaching indigenous languages is important for several reasons. It not only preserves cultural heritage and promotes inclusivity, but it also has positive impacts on individuals and communities. Here are a few key reasons why teaching indigenous languages is valuable:

1. Preserving Cultural Heritage: Indigenous languages are an integral part of a community's cultural identity and heritage. By teaching and maintaining these languages, we ensure the continuation of rich traditions, knowledge systems, oral histories, and distinct ways of thinking and expressing.

2. Fostering Inclusivity and Empowerment: Teaching indigenous languages helps create a more inclusive society by recognizing and valuing the contributions of indigenous communities. It empowers individuals within these communities, boosting their self-esteem, pride, and sense of belonging.

3. Strengthening Community Bonds: Language plays a crucial role in building and maintaining social connections. By teaching indigenous languages, we strengthen intergenerational relationships and foster a greater sense of community among indigenous populations. It also encourages the transmission of cultural practices, ceremonies, and values.

4. Enhancing Educational Outcomes: Studies have shown that bilingualism or multilingualism has cognitive benefits, including improved focus, problem-solving skills, and enhanced memory. By incorporating indigenous languages into education systems, we provide students with a wider range of linguistic and cognitive tools, improving their overall educational outcomes.

Now, when it comes to teaching indigenous languages alongside English, it's important to note that fluency in English remains crucial for accessing opportunities in many spheres, such as education, employment, and global communication. English is indeed considered the language of opportunity in a globalized world. However, we should not overlook the value of indigenous languages and the benefits they bring to individuals and societies.

In summary, by teaching indigenous languages alongside English, we ensure the preservation of cultural heritage, foster inclusivity, empower communities, enhance educational outcomes, and cultivate a more diverse and interconnected society.