Speech about English is the language of opportunity.why bother to teach indigenous language

English essay about english is the language of opportunity,why bother indigenous languages

English is a universal language that is spoken in all countries of the world.It combines races and nations.but one cannot forget his/her roots.that is why ithink that indigenous languages should always be there in schools so that the futre generations can always know their home languges and where they come 4rm.

English is the language of opportunity. Why bother to teach indigenous language??

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English is often referred to as the "language of opportunity" because of its global significance and widespread use in various fields. However, this does not mean that we should overlook the importance of teaching indigenous languages.

Firstly, preserving indigenous languages is crucial for the cultural heritage and identity of a community or nation. These languages hold deep historical and cultural significance, carrying within them the stories, traditions, and knowledge of generations. By teaching indigenous languages, we ensure that this rich cultural tapestry is not lost and can be passed on to future generations.

Secondly, indigenous languages are integral to the communication and understanding within indigenous communities. They provide a means for individuals to express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with clarity and authenticity. When we ignore or neglect indigenous languages, we risk marginalizing and isolating these communities, hindering their social, educational, and economic development.

Moreover, teaching indigenous languages promotes inclusivity and equity. It empowers indigenous people to fully participate in society, breaking down the language barriers that often exist and enabling them to engage in education, employment, and social interactions on an equal footing with others.

To address the question of why bother teaching indigenous languages alongside English, it is important to strike a balance. English serves as a global lingua franca, facilitating international communication and opening doors to diverse opportunities. English proficiency can enhance employment prospects, academic achievements, and global connectivity.

However, this should not come at the expense of indigenous languages. We should promote bilingualism, offering individuals the opportunity to learn English while simultaneously embracing and preserving their indigenous language. This approach allows them to navigate the globalized world while maintaining their cultural roots.

In conclusion, while English is undoubtedly the language of opportunity on a global scale, teaching indigenous languages is crucial for cultural preservation, community cohesion, and promoting inclusivity. By recognizing the value of both English and indigenous languages, we ensure a diverse and inclusive society that celebrates and respects all languages and cultures.