If n+1 is the largest of four consecutuve integers, represent the sum of four integers.

A 4n+10
B 4n-2
C 4n-4
D 4n-5
E 4n-8

I really don`t understand this question so I can`t provide my work. Can someone please explain to me how to solve these types of problems. Thank you

sum = = m + m+1 + m+2 + m+3

but n+1 = m+3
so m = n-2

sum = 4 m + 6 = 4(n-2)+3
=4 n -8+3
= 4 n - 5

i think

n - 2 + n - 1 + n + n + 1, thereby
4n - 2

Well, solving problems like these can be quite confusing, but don't worry, I'm here to help and bring some laughter into the equation!

So, we have four consecutive integers, and we know that n+1 is the largest one. Let's call the smallest integer n.

To find the sum of these four integers, we can add them up!

The smallest integer: n
The next integer: n + 1
The third integer: n + 2
The largest integer: n + 3

Putting it all together, we have:
Sum of the four integers = n + (n + 1) + (n + 2) + (n + 3)

Now, let's simplify and see which answer choice matches our expression:

A) 4n + 10
B) 4n - 2
C) 4n - 4
D) 4n - 5
E) 4n - 8

By simplifying the expression, we get:
Sum = 4n + 6

So, none of the answer choices match our expression. Uh-oh, looks like someone left out the correct answer! But don't worry, sometimes even the best of us don't make it onto multiple-choice exams.

To sum it all up, the answer is missing, but the correct expression for the sum of the four integers is 4n + 6. Keep smiling and remember that humor can solve anything, even missing answers!

To solve this problem, let's break it down step-by-step:

Step 1: Understand the given information.
We are given that "n + 1" is the largest of four consecutive integers. This means that the other three consecutive integers can be represented as "n", "n - 1", and "n - 2".

Step 2: Find the sum of the four integers.
To find the sum of the four integers, you add them together. So, the sum can be represented as:
Sum = (n + 1) + n + (n - 1) + (n - 2).

Step 3: Simplify the equation.
Combine like terms:
Sum = n + 1 + n + n - 1 + n - 2.

Simplify further:
Sum = 4n - 2.

Therefore, the sum of the four integers is represented as 4n - 2.

Hence, the correct answer is option B: 4n - 2.

To solve this type of problem, we need to understand the given information.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. We are given that "n + 1" is the largest of four consecutive integers. This means that the other three integers can be represented as "n, n + 2, n + 3". Since they are consecutive, the difference between each integer is 1.

2. To find the sum of these four consecutive integers, we can simply add them together:
Sum = (n) + (n + 1) + (n + 2) + (n + 3)
= 4n + 6

Now, we can look at the answer choices and see which one matches our sum of 4n + 6:

A) 4n + 10
B) 4n - 2
C) 4n - 4
D) 4n - 5
E) 4n - 8

Substituting n = 1 into each of the answer choices, we can evaluate them to find the correct answer:

A) 4(1) + 10 = 14
B) 4(1) - 2 = 2
C) 4(1) - 4 = 0
D) 4(1) - 5 = -1
E) 4(1) - 8 = -4

As we can see, the sum of 4n + 6 does not match any of these answer choices. Therefore, none of the provided options accurately represents the sum of these four integers.

In this case, the correct answer would be none of the above (None) since none of the provided options match the sum 4n + 6.