Airplane A travels

km at a certain speed. Plane B travels
km at a speed
50 km divided by h
faster than plane A in 3 hrs less time. Find the speed of each plane.

Plane B travels 1000 km at a speed 50 km

Are you sure u copied the sentence correct cuz the unit of speed is km/hr (m/s) in SI

Airplane A travels

1400 km at a certain speed. Plane B travels
km at a speed
50 km/h faster than plane A in 3 hrs less time. Find the speed of each plane

speed of slower plane --- x km/h

speed of faster plane --- x+50 km/h

1400/x - 1000/(x+50) = 3
times x(x+50)

1400(x+50) - 1000x = 3x(x+50)
1400x + 70000 - 1000x = 3x^2+ 150x
3x^2 - 250x - 70000 = 0
(x - 200)(3x + 350) = 0

x = 200 or a negative, which is rejected

The slower plane can go 200 km/h
the faster one goes 250 km/h

To find the speeds of planes A and B, let's break down the information provided:

Let the speed of plane A be represented by "x" km/h.
The distance traveled by plane A is 1400 km.

So, the time taken by plane A to cover the distance can be calculated using the formula:
Time = Distance / Speed

Therefore, the time taken by plane A is 1400 km / x km/h.

Now let's consider plane B:
Plane B is traveling 50 km/h faster than plane A, so its speed will be (x + 50) km/h.
The distance covered by plane B is 1000 km.

Using the same formula, the time taken by plane B is given by:
Time = Distance / Speed = 1000 km / (x + 50) km/h.

According to the problem, plane B takes 3 hours less than plane A to cover the distance. So we have the equation:

1400 km / x km/h - 1000 km / (x + 50) km/h = 3

To solve this equation, we can cross-multiply and simplify:

[(1400 km)(x + 50) - (1000 km)(x)] / x(x+50) = 3

Expanding and simplifying:

(1400x + 70,000 - 1000x) / (x^2 + 50x) = 3

400x + 70,000 = 3x^2 + 150x

To solve this quadratic equation, we'll rearrange it and set it equal to zero:

3x^2 + 150x - 400x - 70,000 = 0

3x^2 - 250x - 70,000 = 0

Now we can solve for x by factoring, using the quadratic formula, or using a graphing calculator.

Once we find the value of x, we can substitute it into either equation to find the speed of plane B (x + 50 km/h).