17. In the last basketball game, Kevin scored 2 less than a third of his team's points.

Part A: Let n represent the number of points Kevin's team scored. Write an expression for the number of points Kevin scored.

Part B: Kevin scored 14 points. How many points did the team score

(1/3)n - 2

(1/3)n - 2 = 14

Part A: Let n represent the number of points Kevin's team scored. To find the number of points Kevin scored, we need to take a third of his team's points and subtract 2. So the expression for the number of points Kevin scored is (1/3)n - 2.

Part B: If Kevin scored 14 points, we can substitute that into the expression for the number of points Kevin scored and solve for n. So we have:

(1/3)n - 2 = 14

To isolate n, we can first add 2 to both sides of the equation:

(1/3)n = 14 + 2


(1/3)n = 16

To get rid of the fraction, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 3:

3 * (1/3)n = 3 * 16


n = 48

Therefore, the team scored 48 points.

Part A: To write an expression for the number of points Kevin scored, we know that he scored 2 less than a third of his team's points. Let's use the variable n to represent the number of points Kevin's team scored.

A third of the team's points is given by (1/3) * n.

Kevin scored 2 less than a third of the team's points, which is (1/3) * n - 2. So, the expression for the number of points Kevin scored is (1/3) * n - 2.

Part B: We are given that Kevin scored 14 points. We can use this information to find the total number of points the team scored.

Substitute 14 in the expression for Kevin's score:

(1/3) * n - 2 = 14

To isolate n, let's first add 2 to both sides of the equation:

(1/3) * n = 16

Next, multiply both sides by 3 to get rid of the fraction:

n = 48

Therefore, the team scored 48 points.