ken has 4 times as much money as Jake. if Jake gave Ken £360 he would still have more money than Ken. whats the least money Ken will have?

Jake --- x

Ken ---- 4x

Jake --- x+360
Ken ---- 4x-360

4x-360 >= x+360
3x >= 720
x >= 240

Ken >= 600
The least Ken will have is 600

To find the least amount of money Ken will have, let's first set up the equation based on the information given.

Let's assume Jake has x amount of money. According to the problem, Ken has 4 times as much money as Jake, so Ken would have 4x money.

If Jake gave Ken £360, his new amount of money would be x - £360. Ken's new amount of money would be 4x + £360.

According to the problem, even after receiving £360 from Jake, Ken will still have less money than Jake. So we can set up the equation:

4x + £360 < x - £360

We can now solve this equation to find the minimum amount of money Ken will have.

First, let's move the x term to the left side and the other terms to the right side:

4x - x < -£360 - £360

Simplifying further, we have:

3x < -£720

Next, divide both sides by 3 to isolate x:

x < -£240

Since money cannot be negative in this context, we can conclude that the least amount of money Ken will have is £0 (zero pounds).

Therefore, the answer is that Ken's least money will be £0.