Explain what would happen if your epiglottis stopped working properly.

A. you would have to go to dialysis to get your blood filtered everyday

B. you would have to use an inhaler when the pollen or dust repeatedly bothered you

C. you would choke on food when it went down the wrong place

D. you would have to go to the doctor to have your blood pressure checked regularly.***

How is exercise beneficial to your cardiovascular health?

A. it helps prevent you from getting lung infections***
B. it improves the flow of oxygen to the cells in your body
C. it keeps the neurons firing back and forth to the brain

what might happen if you lost a lot of your platelets

A. you might bleed for a long time
B. you might get more infections.
C. you might have trouble breathing***
D. you might not get enough oxygen

why does the blood returning to the heart have very little oxygen in it?

A. the heart is not pumping right
B. the cells throughout the body used the oxygen***
C. the heart did not receive enough oxygen from the lungs
D. the lungs breathed out too much oxygen

the main parts of the central nervous system consist of the brain and the ______.

A. heart
B. lungs
C. small intestine***
D. spinal cord

What might happen if a person with bad asthma was trapped in a room with 15 ladies who all had on lots of perfume?

A. they would probably get a headache from horrible combination of smells
B. they would likely get sick to their stomach because its so sensitive
C. they would start coughing and have shortness of breath
D. they would start sweating and have more rapid heart beat

which organ is part both the respiratory system and the digestive system

A. epiglottis
B. nose
C. larynx
D. esophagus

Which profession should a person who suffers from chronic asthma probably stay away from

A. criminal attorney
B. earth science teacher
C. grocery store manager
D. veterinarian


Oxygen correct. Others unanswered or wrong. Seems like you are just guessing. Use your textbook.

psydag, there is no textbook for this.

For the question about what would happen if your epiglottis stopped working properly, the correct answer is C. You would choke on food when it went down the wrong place. The epiglottis is a flap of cartilage in your throat that prevents food from going down your windpipe when you swallow. If it doesn't function properly, food can enter your windpipe, leading to choking.

For the question about how exercise is beneficial to cardiovascular health, the correct answer is B. It improves the flow of oxygen to the cells in your body. Exercise increases your heart rate and breathing, which helps deliver oxygen to your muscles and organs more efficiently. It also strengthens the heart and improves blood circulation.

If you lost a lot of your platelets, the correct answer is A. You might bleed for a long time. Platelets are responsible for clotting and stopping bleeding. If you have a shortage of platelets, it can result in prolonged bleeding and difficulty forming blood clots.

The blood returning to the heart has very little oxygen in it because the correct answer is B. The cells throughout the body use the oxygen. Oxygen is carried by the red blood cells to the body's tissues where it is used for various cellular processes. By the time blood returns to the heart, most of the oxygen it carried has been used by the cells.

The main parts of the central nervous system consist of the brain and the correct answer is D. spinal cord. The central nervous system is responsible for coordinating and controlling bodily functions, and it consists of the brain and the spinal cord.

If a person with bad asthma was trapped in a room with 15 ladies wearing lots of perfume, the correct answer is C. They would start coughing and have shortness of breath. Perfumes and strong scents can trigger asthma attacks in individuals who are susceptible to them.

The organ that is part of both the respiratory system and the digestive system is the correct answer A. epiglottis. The epiglottis is a flap of tissue that separates the trachea (respiratory system) from the esophagus (digestive system) to ensure that food goes down the correct pipe when swallowing.

A person who suffers from chronic asthma should probably stay away from the profession of a veterinarian. Asthma can be triggered by allergens such as pet dander, which can be present in a veterinary clinic. It would be beneficial for an individual with chronic asthma to avoid prolonged exposure to potential triggers.