Artists make shapes in the backgroud smaller than shapes in the foreground to communicate their distances from the viewer. How else might a landscape artist show shapes in the background to depict their distances from the viewer?

A. show shapes with brighter colors
B. show shapes that are sharp and clear
C. show shapes with lighter colors
D. show shapes that are large and bold

The placement of rocks in a Japanese garden is an example of which artistic principle that communicates the cultural value of embracing a lack of equality?
A. asymmetry
B. balance
C. symmetry
D. transformation

My guess is that the answers are C and B, am I right?

1.C 2.A


To show shapes in the background and depict their distances from the viewer, landscape artists can also use the following techniques:

A. Atmospheric Perspective: By creating a sense of depth through the use of colors and tones, artists can make shapes in the background appear hazy or less defined compared to shapes in the foreground. This technique mimics the way our eyes perceive objects at a distance in real life, where distant objects appear less distinct due to atmospheric haze.

B. Overlapping: By overlapping shapes in the composition, artists can create a sense of depth. Shapes in the background can be partially covered or obscured by shapes in the foreground, which gives the viewer a visual cue of their relative distance.

C. Decreasing Detail: Artists can intentionally reduce the level of detail in shapes in the background compared to their foreground counterparts. This lack of intricate details helps to suggest distance, as objects that are farther away become less distinct to our eyes.

D. Foreshortening: This technique involves depicting objects in a way that conveys their three-dimensional form on a two-dimensional surface. By using perspective techniques and distorting the shape or size of objects, the artist can create an illusion of depth and show the relative distances between objects.

Regarding the second question, the placement of rocks in a Japanese garden is an example of the artistic principle of:

A. Asymmetry: Japanese garden design often embraces asymmetry, which means that elements are intentionally placed in an unbalanced or uneven manner. This artistic principle reflects the cultural value of embracing imperfections and finding beauty in the natural irregularities of life, rather than rigid symmetry.

So, the correct answer is A. asymmetry.

And your answers are?


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