Traditional african marriage is an advantage for men only not women

Which traditional African marriage?

This Is What I Say, "African Marriage ACosts Men A Huge Sum Of Money Or In Wealth Form No Wonder They`Mistreat' Their Wives Or Treat Them Like Material They Think They Bought Them.This Isn't Right.And Parents And Tradition Causes This.Even If The World's Cultures Have Changed And Has Its Wrongs We Can See That Marriage Is Not Honoured By The Amount Of Bride Price But By Love Between Man And Woman Which Makes Them Equal, Responsibility,correct Religious And Traditional Principles,moral Values And Blessing And Acknoledgement From God,parents And Community.So Lets Teach Couples Godly Principles About Marriage FroM Holy Books Like The Bible,Qu'ran, Gospels And Others Instead Of Following Injust Ancestral Teachings e.g Laws That Favour One Sex Over The Other And Is Still A disadvantage To The Other....." Thank You For Listening

Marriage customs and how marriage is regarded vary from culture to culture. Africa is not one culture, but many. And, if I was you, I would not take another student's work as your own. That's cheating, and Ackron.Z is a very poor writer.

The statement that traditional African marriage is only an advantage for men is a broad generalization and may not apply uniformly to all African cultures and societies. It is important to note that African marriage customs and practices vary significantly across different regions and ethnic groups, each with its own unique dynamics and gender roles. While there may be instances where gender imbalances and inequalities exist within certain traditional marriage systems, it is also crucial to understand that African societies are diverse and complex, and cannot be characterized by a single overarching narrative.

To gain a more nuanced understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of traditional African marriages for men and women, it would be useful to explore specific cultural contexts, traditions, and historical perspectives. This can be achieved through research, academic studies, firsthand accounts, and engaging with individuals from various African communities who can provide insights into their particular marriage customs and related gender dynamics.

By examining a range of perspectives and delving into the intricacies of African marriage practices, one can develop a more comprehensive understanding of how these systems impact both men and women within their respective societies.