1. In a plant’s stem, the vascular tissue (1 point)

is always arranged in rings of vascular bundles.
is continuous from the roots to the leaves.***
carriest nutrients up the stem but not down.
plays a role in photosynthesis and storage.

2. Many cacti, such as saguaros and barrel cacti, have large stems and no leaves. What function of leaves is taken on by the stems of such cacti? (1 point)
They produce food by photosynthesis.
They absorb water and nutrients from the soil.
They transport materials throughout the plant.
They store excess water.***

3. Most of the photosynthesis in plants takes place in the (1 point)
guard cells.

4. The flat structure of a leaf blade enables its function as a photosynthetic organ by (1 point)
decreasing the loss of oxygen into the atmosphere.
increasing the absorption of nutrients from soil.
protecting the rest of the plant from water loss due to evaporation.
exposing a greater surface area to capture energy from sunlight.***

1. B - is continuous from the roots to the leaves

2. A - They produce food by photosynthesis
3. A - mesophyll
4. D - exposing a greater surface area to capture energy from sunlight
5. B - B and C

mathboi's correct


tysm mathboi !! they’re 100% correct !!

mathboi right my boiiii

mathboi is all correct

mathboi is correct even in 2021 thank you! 100%


still BAADB

Sorry, is #2 a and #3 a?

Those are all wrong

To answer these questions, you need a basic understanding of plant anatomy and the functions of different plant structures. Here's how you can arrive at the correct answers for each question:

1. In this question, you are asked about the arrangement of the vascular tissue in a plant's stem. To determine the correct answer, you can recall that the vascular tissue, which includes the xylem and phloem, is responsible for transporting water, nutrients, and sugars throughout the plant. Additionally, vascular tissue is found in the roots, stems, and leaves of plants. With this knowledge, you can determine that the correct answer is that the vascular tissue is continuous from the roots to the leaves.

2. In this question, you are asked about the function of leaves that is taken on by the stems of cacti. To determine the correct answer, you can recall the functions of leaves, which include photosynthesis, gas exchange, and transpiration. Since cacti do not have leaves or perform typical photosynthesis due to their adaptations to arid environments, you can deduce that the stems of cacti must take on the function of storing excess water, making the correct answer for this question: They store excess water.

3. In this question, you are asked about the location of the majority of photosynthesis in plants. To determine the correct answer, you can recall that photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy, and it primarily occurs in specialized cells called chloroplasts. These cells are found in specific tissues within leaves called the mesophyll. Therefore, the correct answer is mesophyll.

4. In this question, you are asked about the function of the flat structure of a leaf blade in relation to photosynthesis. To determine the correct answer, you can recall that photosynthesis relies on capturing energy from sunlight through pigments, such as chlorophyll, and converting it into chemical energy. The more surface area exposed to sunlight, the more energy can be captured. Therefore, a flat leaf blade provides a greater surface area to capture sunlight, making the correct answer: exposing a greater surface area to capture energy from sunlight.

By understanding the concepts behind these questions and the functions of different plant structures, you can arrive at the correct answers.