Ryan bought 2 1/4 pounds of almonds and divided them into bags with 1/8 pound in each bag.

What is your question?


20 bags


To determine the number of bags Ryan can make, we need to find the total number of 1/8 pound increments in 2 1/4 pounds.

First, we need to convert 2 1/4 pounds to a mixed number or improper fraction.

To do this, we multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator of the fraction (4), and add the numerator (1). Then, we put that result over the denominator to get the mixed number:

2 * 4 + 1 = 8 + 1 = 9
Mixed number: 2 1/4

Now, we convert the mixed number to an improper fraction by multiplying the whole number by the denominator and adding the numerator:

2 * 4 + 1 = 8 + 1 = 9
Improper fraction: 9/4

Next, we divide the total weight by the weight of each bag:

9/4 ÷ 1/8

To divide fractions, we invert the second fraction and multiply:

9/4 * 8/1

Now, multiply the numerators (top numbers) together and the denominators (bottom numbers) together:

(9 * 8) / (4 * 1) = 72/4

To simplify the improper fraction, we divide the numerator by the denominator:

72 ÷ 4 = 18

So, Ryan can make 18 bags of almonds with 1/8 pound in each bag.