For this problem (2)^0 (-2)^0 would I add the exponents? I f so what do I do with 2 and -2?

Any value to the zero power = 1

Anything to the power of 0 is 1 so its basically asking what is 1+1.

No, you do not add the exponents in this case. When a number is raised to the power of 0, the result is always 1. Therefore, both (2)^0 and (-2)^0 would equal 1.

To understand why this is the case, we can use the rule of exponents that states: a^0 = 1 for any non-zero number a. This rule holds true regardless of the specific value of a.

So in this problem, whether it is 2 or -2 raised to the power of 0, the result remains 1. There is no need to consider the base (2 or -2) separately as they both follow the same rule when raised to the power of 0.