Does anyone know this lesson?? answers???

Getting the aswers from someone else is called cheating. We frown on that here. Read the lesson and find the answers for yourself. If there is something you don't understand, we'll try to help, and we will check your answers for you.

What class

To find the answer to a lesson or question, there are a few options you can try:

1. Ask your teacher or classmates: If you are referring to a specific lesson from school, reach out to your teacher or classmates. They may know the answer or be able to help you understand the lesson better.

2. Check your textbooks or course materials: Look through your textbooks, handouts, or any other materials provided for the lesson. Often, answers or explanations can be found within these resources.

3. Research online: Use search engines like Google to search for the specific topic or question you have. Many educational websites, forums, or video tutorials might provide the answer or further explanations on the topic.

4. Use online educational platforms: There are numerous online educational platforms such as Khan Academy, Coursera, or Udemy that offer a wide range of lessons and courses. You may find the lesson you're looking for on one of these platforms.

Remember, it's important to put effort into understanding the lesson yourself rather than solely relying on someone else to provide the answers.