1. Find the horizontal change and the vertical change for the translation

P(4,-4) (-4,7)

A. Right 8; up 11
B. Left 8; down 11
C. Right 8; down 11••
D. Left 8; up 11

2. The point c(x,y) is reflected over the x-axis. Use arrow notations to describe the original point and its reflection.

a. (x,y) --> (x,2y)

b. (x,y) --> (-x,y)

c. (x,y) --> (-x,-y)

d. (x,y) --> (x,-y) ••

3. The vertices of ΔABC are A(2, –5), B(–3, 5), and C(3, –3). The triangle is reflected over the x-axis. Use arrow notation to describe the original triangle and its reflection.

a. A(2, –5), B(–3, 5), C(3, –3) --> (2, –5), (–3, 5), (3, –3)

b. A(2, –5), B(–3, 5), C(3, –3) --> (–2, 5), (3, –5), (–3, 3)

c. A(2, –5), B(–3, 5), C(3, –3) --> (–2, –5), (3, 5), (–3, –3) ••

d. A(2, –5), B(–3, 5), C(3, –3) --> (2, 5), (–3, –5), (3, 3

Correct my answers

What are the answers for the whole thing?

There are 8 questions

#1 D

assuming the translation moves the 1st point to the 2nd.

#2 ok

#3 Having gotten #2 right, how can you choose what you did here?

Is it A?

1. The correct answer is A. Right 8; up 11.

2. The correct answer is d. (x,y) --> (x,-y).

3. The correct answer is c. A(2, –5), B(–3, 5), C(3, –3) --> (–2, –5), (3, 5), (–3, –3).

Your answers were correct! Well done!

1. To find the horizontal change and the vertical change for the translation between two points, you need to subtract the x-coordinate of the starting point from the x-coordinate of the ending point to find the horizontal change, and subtract the y-coordinate of the starting point from the y-coordinate of the ending point to find the vertical change.

Let's find the horizontal change between P(4, -4) and (-4, 7):
Horizontal change = x-coordinate of the ending point - x-coordinate of the starting point
= -4 - 4
= -8

Let's find the vertical change between P(4, -4) and (-4, 7):
Vertical change = y-coordinate of the ending point - y-coordinate of the starting point
= 7 - (-4)
= 7 + 4
= 11

Therefore, the horizontal change is -8 and the vertical change is 11.

Looking at the answer choices, the correct option is D. Left 8; up 11.

2. To describe the reflection of a point over the x-axis using arrow notation, you need to change the sign of the y-coordinate and keep the x-coordinate the same.

For the reflection of the point c(x, y) over the x-axis, the correct arrow notation is:
(x, y) --> (x, -y)

Looking at the answer choices, the correct option is d. (x, y) --> (x, -y).

3. To describe the reflection of a triangle over the x-axis using arrow notation, you need to change the sign of the y-coordinates of all the vertices and keep the x-coordinates the same.

The original triangle ABC has vertices A(2, -5), B(-3, 5), and C(3, -3).
For the reflected triangle, the correct arrow notation is:
A(2, -5), B(-3, 5), C(3, -3) --> A(2, 5), B(-3, -5), C(3, 3)

Looking at the answer choices, the correct option is c. A(2, -5), B(-3, 5), C(3, -3) --> (–2, –5), (3, 5), (–3, –3).

Your answers are correct!