Natasha stands 5.5 feet tall and has a shadow that measures 3 feet long. At the same time, a tree next to

Natasha has a shadow that measures 12 feet long. How tall is the tree?

15 ft


To determine the height of the tree, we can set up a proportion using the information given.

Let's assign variables:
- Height of Natasha: N
- Length of Natasha's shadow: S
- Height of the tree: T
- Length of the tree's shadow: TS

The proportion can be set up as:

N / S = T / TS

Now, substitute the given values:

N / 3 = T / 12

To solve for T, the height of the tree, cross-multiply and solve for T:

N * 12 = T * 3

12N = 3T

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 3:

12N / 3 = T * 3 / 3

4N = T

Finally, to find the height of the tree, substitute the value of N (5.5 feet) into the equation:

4 * 5.5 = T

T = 22

Therefore, the height of the tree is 22 feet.

5.5/3 = x/12

Cross multiply and solve for x.

Natasha stands 5.5 feet tall and has a shadow that measures 3 feet

long. At the same time, a tree next to Natasha has a shadow that
measures 12 feet long. How tall is the tree?