Research the steps that have been taken since the Christmas Day Tsunami to try to prevent similar disasters. Your response should cite at least three measures that have been taken since the Christmas Day Tsunami and how these steps directly relate to the causes of the disaster.

*Does anyone know any good websites for this assignment. I have searched but found nothing.*

thats just google bozo.

To research the steps taken since the Christmas Day Tsunami to prevent similar disasters, you can start by looking for reliable sources such as government agencies, disaster management organizations, and scientific publications. Here are a few steps and measures that have been taken since the tsunami to prevent similar disasters:

1. Early Warning Systems: Significant efforts have been made to establish and improve early warning systems in regions prone to tsunamis. These systems are designed to detect earthquakes and oceanic disturbances quickly and issue timely warnings to potentially affected areas. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) and other regional warning systems have been enhanced with advanced technologies and improved communication networks to ensure speedy dissemination of alerts.

To find more information about early warning systems, you can visit the official websites of organizations like the PTWC ( and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (

2. Evacuation Plans and Education: Since the Christmas Day Tsunami, there has been a greater emphasis on community preparedness and public education about tsunamis. Many governments and organizations have developed evacuation plans for tsunami-prone areas, outlining safe areas for people to move to in case of an emergency. Public education campaigns help raise awareness about the signs of an impending tsunami and educate residents on how to respond and evacuate safely.

To find more information about evacuation plans and education initiatives, you can search for government websites related to disaster management and preparedness in tsunami-prone regions, such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the United States (

3. Coastal Infrastructure and Land-Use Planning: The Christmas Day Tsunami highlighted the vulnerability of coastal communities to tsunamis. To mitigate the impact of future tsunamis, coastal infrastructure and land-use planning have been improved. Measures include constructing tsunami-resistant buildings, reinforcing critical infrastructure like hospitals and emergency shelters, and establishing setback zones to limit development in high-risk areas. These actions aim to reduce the vulnerability of coastal communities and decrease the potential damage caused by tsunamis.

To find more information about coastal infrastructure and land-use planning, you can search for research papers and articles on disaster risk reduction and coastal management. Some websites that provide relevant information include the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction ( and the International Tsunami Information Center (

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find and cross-reference the information to ensure its accuracy and legitimacy.

Check these sites.