20. Which of the following singular nouns does not form an irregular plural?

(my sec) A. mouse
B. tooth
C. ox
** D. tree

i believe its D your answer is right

i don't believe that is correct

ask mrs sue

i think its a

NO its D

i would ask mrs sue slinger


Answering yourself with all these silly names is ridiculous. Stop now.

You know what's right. You chose it in the first place!

To determine which of the following singular nouns does not form an irregular plural, we need to understand what irregular plurals are.

Irregular plurals are the plural forms of nouns that do not follow the usual pattern of adding "-s" or "-es" to the end of the word. Instead, they change their spelling completely or do not change at all.

Let's take a look at each option:

A. "mouse" - The singular form is "mouse", and the plural form is "mice". This means that "mouse" is an example of an irregular plural.

B. "tooth" - The singular form is "tooth", and the plural form is "teeth". Again, we can see that "tooth" is an irregular plural.

C. "ox" - The singular form is "ox", and the plural form is "oxen". Once again, "ox" is an example of an irregular plural.

D. "tree" - The singular form is "tree", and the plural form is "trees". This follows the regular pattern of adding an "-s" at the end to form a plural. Therefore, "tree" is the correct answer, as it does not form an irregular plural.

In conclusion, out of the given options, the singular noun that does not form an irregular plural is "D. tree."