Write a proportion for each phrase then solve when necessary round to the nearest hundredth.

1.420 ft2 painted in 36 min;f ft2 painted in 30 min.

420 ft^2/f ft^2 = 36 min/30 min

420/f = 36/30
36f = 30(420)
f = (30)(420)/(36) = 350

To solve this proportion, we can set up the equation:

(420 ft^2) / (36 min) = (f ft^2) / (30 min)

To find the value of f, we can cross-multiply and solve for f:

(420 ft^2) * (30 min) = (36 min) * (f ft^2)

12,600 ft^2·min = 36f ft^2·min

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 36 min to isolate f:

12,600 ft^2·min / 36 min = f ft^2

350 ft^2 = f

Therefore, approximately 350 ft^2 of area would be painted in 30 minutes.