Alcohol is categorized as

A. a drug.
B. a simulate.
C. a depressant.*****
D. a carcinogen.*****

(PICK 2)

D is wrong.

Oh is it C and B?

Thank you

You're welcome.

It's not B and C. It would be A and C because alchol is considered a drug. I also just did this. Ya know... if you would of paid attention then... ya...

A and c


Sue is wrong. I know this is way late but I hope no one listened to her response. Alcohol is considered a drug and a depressant. It is not a stimulant because effects cause DECREASED function. Stimulants increase function. If anyone takes medications for ADD/ADHD/ODD, those are drugs and stimulants. :)

To determine the correct answer choices, let's examine the given options and their definitions:

A. A drug: Alcohol is indeed classified as a drug. It is a psychoactive substance that affects the central nervous system, altering brain function and behavior.

B. A stimulant: This option is incorrect. Stimulants are substances that increase alertness, attention, and energy levels. Alcohol, on the other hand, is a depressant.

C. A depressant: Yes, alcohol is classified as a depressant. Depressants are substances that slow down brain activity, decrease arousal, and have a calming or sedative effect on the body.

D. A carcinogen: Carcinogens are substances that can cause cancer. While excessive alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of certain cancers, such as liver, mouth, throat, and breast cancer, it is not directly classified as a carcinogen itself. Thus, this option is incorrect.

Therefore, the correct answer choices are A. a drug and C. a depressant.

Yes, B and C.