3.)Which of the following best describes the contributions of Horace Mann?

A.)Horace Mann helped establish child labor laws that required children to attend school.

B.)Horace Mann was the first person to print educational materials in Braille for blind children.

C.)Horace Mann was a key figure in ensuring all American children received a proper education.***

D.)Horace Mann supported education for deaf children and helped develop American Sign Language.



Yes, C is correct.

Yes, you are correct. C is the correct answer. Horace Mann was a key figure in ensuring that all American children received a proper education. He is often referred to as the "Father of American Education" for his efforts to improve public education and establish mandatory attendance laws.

Correct! Option C is the best description of Horace Mann's contributions. He was a key figure in ensuring all American children received a proper education.

To find this answer, you can analyze the information given about Horace Mann in each option and determine which one matches his actual contributions. Option A mentions child labor laws, which is not directly related to his work in education. Option B mentions Braille materials for blind children, which is not associated with Horace Mann. Option D mentions education for deaf children and American Sign Language, which, although important, is not directly attributed to Horace Mann. Option C, on the other hand, aligns with his significant role in advocating for universal education in America.