To find the formula to find the volume of a cylinder is pi r-sqrt.h

the dimensions of the cylinder are h=10inches and the radius is 1.25 inches

the supposed answer is 39.26
but I am having a hard time calculating the formula to match that


V = 3.14 * 1.25^2 * 10

V = 3.14 * 1.5625 * 10

V = 49.06

Is there a typo in your problem? Or maybe the answer is wrong.

ok so when I do the formula I get 39.25 so can you give me a break to how you calculated the problem especially how you got v=3.14*1.5625*10

ok Ms Sue I played around with it

now if I go 3.14 * 1.25 *1.25 *10 I get the 49.06

Its the whole squared deal that's throwing me off

I'm sorry, but the formula you mentioned, "pi r-sqrt.h," is not the correct formula to find the volume of a cylinder. The correct formula to find the volume of a cylinder is V = πr^2h, where V represents the volume, π represents the mathematical constant pi (approximately 3.14159), r represents the radius of the base of the cylinder, and h represents the height of the cylinder.

Using the given dimensions of h = 10 inches and r = 1.25 inches, we can calculate the volume of the cylinder by substituting these values into the formula:

V = π(1.25)^2(10)
= 3.14159(1.25^2)(10)
≈ 3.14159(1.5625)(10)
≈ 49.0873

So the volume of the cylinder is approximately 49.0873 cubic inches, not 39.26. It seems like there might be a mistake in either the formula you mentioned or the expected answer.