1. I'm gonna take the bike to the station.

2. I'm gonna ride the bike to the station.
3. I'm gonna use the bike to the station.
Which verbs can we use? Are they all acceptable? Which verb is commonly use? Do we have to use the verb 'ride' here?

grammatically incorrect, the use of proper words like "going to" will work. Using ride is ok in number 2, and for number 1 because they are different action verbs.

1.going to
2.going to
3.going to(ride or take will work)

"Gonna" is not standard English. Use "going to" instead.

3 is not correct.

or for 3 you can use: I am going to use the bike to go to the station.

Out of the three sentences you provided, "I'm going to ride the bike to the station" is the most commonly used and grammatically correct option. The verb "ride" is typically used when describing the action of using a bike or any other vehicle.

To determine whether other verbs are acceptable in this context, let's analyze each sentence:

1. "I'm gonna take the bike to the station."
In this sentence, the verb "take" is used, which typically implies carrying or moving something from one place to another. While it is understandable, it is less commonly used when talking about using a bike. Using "take" might give the impression that the bike is being lifted or carried, rather than ridden.

2. "I'm gonna ride the bike to the station."
This sentence is the most suitable option. The verb "ride" accurately describes the action of using the bike to travel to the station. It implies sitting on the bike and operating it in order to move from one place to another.

3. "I'm gonna use the bike to the station."
This sentence is not grammatically correct. The verb "use" is not appropriate when referring to riding a bike. Instead, "use" is commonly used when describing how something is utilized or employed.

In summary, the most appropriate verb to use in this context is "ride," as it accurately communicates the action of using the bike to travel.