The equation V = -2000t + 20,000 describes the value in dollars of a certain model of car after it is t years old. If a car is worth $14,000, find the age of the car.

14000 = -2000t + 20000

2000t = 60000
carry on

To find the age of the car when it is worth $14,000, we need to substitute the given value into the equation and solve for t.

The given equation is:
V = -2000t + 20,000

Let's substitute V = $14,000 into the equation:
14,000 = -2000t + 20,000

Now let's solve for t:
14,000 - 20,000 = -2000t
-6,000 = -2000t

To isolate t, divide both sides of the equation by -2000:
-6,000 / -2000 = t
3 = t

Therefore, the car is 3 years old.