The measure of the supplement of an angle is 30 more than twice the measure of the angle. Find the measure of the angles.

let the angle be x

then its supplement is 180-x

180-x = 2x + 30
150 = 3x
x = 50

the angle is 50°, the supplement is 130°

Its supplement would be 130
is that 30 more than twice 50 ? YES!

Thank you so much. I've been working on this for half an hour

nat sak


Thanks a lot

To solve this question, let's assume the measure of the angle is x.

The supplement of an angle is the angle that, when added to the given angle, equals 180 degrees. So, the measure of the supplement of this angle will be 180 - x.

According to the problem, the measure of the supplement of the angle is 30 more than twice the measure of the angle. This can be represented as:

180 - x = 2x + 30

To find the value of x, let's solve this equation:

Combine like terms:
180 - 30 = 2x + x
150 = 3x

Divide both sides by 3:
x = 50

Therefore, the measure of the angle is 50 degrees. To find the measure of the supplement, subtract the angle from 180 degrees:

180 - 50 = 130

So, the measure of the supplement of the angle is 130 degrees.
