A house with a room wall of 5m by 3m is build of bricks of 20 cm. if internal temperature is 21 degrees celcius and those outside -18 degres celcius; what is the amount of heat flow if thermal conductivity is 0.63

To calculate the amount of heat flow through the wall, you'll need to use the formula for heat transfer rate:

Q = (k * A * ΔT) / d

Q is the heat flow rate (in watts)
k is the thermal conductivity of the wall material (in watts per meter per degree Celsius)
A is the area of the wall (in square meters)
ΔT is the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the wall (in degrees Celsius)
d is the thickness of the wall (in meters)

Given information:
- Room wall dimensions: 5m by 3m
- Brick thickness: 20cm (or 0.2m)
- Internal temperature: 21 degrees Celsius
- External temperature: -18 degrees Celsius
- Thermal conductivity: 0.63 (watts per meter per degree Celsius)

First, calculate the area of the wall:
A = length * height
A = 5m * 3m
A = 15 square meters

Next, calculate the temperature difference:
ΔT = T_inside - T_outside
ΔT = 21°C - (-18°C)
ΔT = 39°C

Now, substitute the values into the heat transfer formula:
Q = (k * A * ΔT) / d
Q = (0.63 * 15 * 39) / 0.2
Q ≈ 462.45 watts

Therefore, the amount of heat flow through the wall is approximately 462.45 watts.