Life, justice, and happiness are typically considered to be:

A. intrinsic goods.

B. instrumental goods.

C. intrinsic evils.

D. non-moral values.

is it A

Yes, A.

To determine whether life, justice, and happiness are considered to be intrinsic goods, instrumental goods, intrinsic evils, or non-moral values, we need to understand the definitions of these terms.

1. Intrinsic goods: These are things that are considered good or valuable in and of themselves, regardless of any external factors or consequences. They are inherently valuable.

2. Instrumental goods: These are things that are considered valuable because they contribute to or facilitate the attainment of other goods or goals. They are valuable as means to an end.

3. Intrinsic evils: These are things that are considered inherently bad or evil in and of themselves, regardless of any external factors or consequences. They are inherently undesirable.

4. Non-moral values: These are things that are valued but are not inherently good or bad, right or wrong. They are often subjective and depend on personal preferences or cultural norms.

Now, applying these definitions to life, justice, and happiness:

1. Life: Life is generally considered an intrinsic good because it is inherently valuable and desirable. Many people consider the preservation and flourishing of life to be a fundamental moral principle.

2. Justice: Justice can be considered both an intrinsic good and an instrumental good. It is an intrinsic good because it represents fairness, equality, and the righting of wrongs, which are considered valuable in and of themselves. It is also an instrumental good as it contributes to social stability and the overall well-being of society.

3. Happiness: Happiness is typically considered an intrinsic good. It is the positive emotional state or sense of well-being that is widely pursued and valued by individuals. Happiness is often seen as something that is desirable for its own sake, rather than as a means to an end.

Based on these considerations, the most accurate answer to the question is A. intrinsic goods.