In this exercise, you will create a program for the sales manager at Computer Haven, a small business that offers motivational seminars to local companies. Figure 7 – 64 shows the charge for attending a seminar. Notice that the charge per person depends on the number of people the company registers. For example, the cost for four registrants is $400; the cost for two registrants is $300. The program should allow the sales manager to enter the number of registrants for as many companies as needed. When the sales manager has finished entering the data, the program should calculate and display the total number of people registered, the total charge for those registrants, and the average charge per registrant. For example, if one company registers four people and another company registers two people, the total number of people registered is six, the total charge is $700, and the average charge per registrant is $116.67.

To create a program for the sales manager at Computer Haven, you can use a programming language like Python. Here's an example of how you can implement this program:

1. Start by initializing variables to keep track of the total number of people registered, the total charge, and the number of companies.
total_people = 0
total_charge = 0
num_companies = 0

2. Use a loop to allow the sales manager to enter the number of registrants for each company. You can use a while loop and ask for input until the sales manager indicates they are done entering data.
done = False
while not done:
num_registrants = int(input("Enter the number of registrants for a company (or 0 to finish): "))

if num_registrants == 0:
done = True
# Calculate the charge based on the number of registrants
if num_registrants == 1:
charge = 100
elif num_registrants == 2:
charge = 300
elif num_registrants == 3:
charge = 350
elif num_registrants == 4:
charge = 400
charge = 400 + ((num_registrants - 4) * 50)

# Update the total number of people, total charge, and number of companies
total_people += num_registrants
total_charge += charge
num_companies += 1

3. After the loop ends, calculate the average charge per registrant and display the results.
average_charge = total_charge / total_people

print("Total number of people registered:", total_people)
print("Total charge for those registrants:", total_charge)
print("Average charge per registrant: $", format(average_charge, ".2f"))

By following these steps, you can create a program that allows the sales manager to enter the number of registrants for as many companies as needed and calculates the total number of people registered, the total charge, and the average charge per registrant.