Which of the functions would an international organization not perform?

A-) Encourage greater trade among nation-states.

B-) Help establish treaties between nation-states.

C-) Set binding laws for nation states. *****

D-) Support multinational health and education services.

C is right.

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You're welcome.

becuase the international oregenisation is not in charge of the states themselves and dosent decide thair laws for them


To determine which function an international organization would not perform, let's analyze each option:

A) Encourage greater trade among nation-states: International organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), often work to promote and facilitate trade among nation-states. They may establish rules and regulations to promote fair trade practices.

B) Help establish treaties between nation-states: International organizations, like the United Nations (UN), play a crucial role in facilitating treaty negotiations between nations. They provide a platform for diplomatic discussions and promote cooperation among states.

C) Set binding laws for nation-states: This option suggests that international organizations set binding laws for nation-states. While some organizations, like the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Union (EU), have the authority to issue binding laws, not all international organizations possess this power.

D) Support multinational health and education services: Many international organizations engage in efforts to support multinational health and education services. Examples include the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Based on this analysis, the function that an international organization would not perform is setting binding laws for nation-states (option C).