A tennis racket is offered at 25% off. Including 7% sales tax, the final price is $67.41. What is the original price, without tax or discount?

To find the original price of the tennis racket without tax or discount, let's break down the problem into steps:

Step 1: Calculate the price after the discount.
Let's assume the original price of the tennis racket is "x" dollars. Since it is offered at a 25% discount, we need to subtract 25% of x from x.
The discounted price can be calculated as: x - 0.25x = 0.75x.

Step 2: Calculate the price after adding sales tax.
To find the final price after adding the 7% sales tax, we need to multiply the discounted price (0.75x) by 1.07.
The final price, including sales tax, can be calculated as: 0.75x * 1.07 = 0.8025x.

Step 3: Set up and solve the equation.
We are given that the final price, after adding sales tax, is $67.41. So we can set up the equation:
0.8025x = $67.41

Step 4: Solve for x.
To isolate x, divide both sides of the equation by 0.8025:
x = $67.41 / 0.8025
x ≈ $84.00

Therefore, the original price of the tennis racket, without tax or discount, is approximately $84.00.

p * .75 * 1.07 = 67.41

Now just find p.

the total cost of a camera, including a 6% sales tax, was $137.80. what was the marked price of the camera?