If 100 students are surveyed, about how many students own 2 or more pets? Explain please

0 pets __________ 1/20
1 pet __________ 1/2
2 0r more _______ 9/20

Thank you very much


excuse ,'teacher I did not do that one' teacher:ok why student: my grandma is in the hospital and my mom said you will do your homework later and I was in the hospital the whole day and had go to sleep after

Just take the fraction of 100 for the group you want:

9/20 * 100 = ?




To find out how many students own 2 or more pets, we need to use the given information:

According to the survey results:

- 1/20 of the students own 0 pets,
- 1/2 of the students own 1 pet, and
- 9/20 of the students own 2 or more pets.

We know that there were 100 students surveyed in total.

To calculate the number of students who own 2 or more pets, we can use the proportion method.

First, let's calculate the number of students who own 0 pets:

(1/20) * 100 = 5 students own 0 pets.

Next, let's calculate the number of students who own 1 pet:

(1/2) * 100 = 50 students own 1 pet.

Finally, we can calculate the number of students who own 2 or more pets:

(9/20) * 100 = 45 students own 2 or more pets.

Therefore, the approximate number of students who own 2 or more pets is 45.

If 100 students are serveyed about how many student own 2 or more pets

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