a person roller skates down a street heading east which of the following would be true abot friction in this scenario? ----------------------------------- 1.A. friction does not affect the skates in this scenario 2.B. friction pulls the skates wheels eastward 3.C. friction pulls the skates wheels down ward toward the center of the earth 4.D.friction pulls the skates wheels westward


To determine which statement is true about friction in this scenario, we need to understand the nature of friction and its relationship with the direction of motion.

Friction is the resistive force that opposes the motion of objects when they come in contact with each other. It acts parallel to the surfaces in contact and opposes the direction of motion.

In this scenario, the person is roller skating down a street heading east. As the person moves, friction is responsible for slowing down the skates and bringing them to a stop eventually. Since the person is moving eastward, the skates are also moving in the same direction.

Based on our understanding of friction, we can conclude that statement 4, "D. friction pulls the skates wheels westward," is true. Friction acts in the opposite direction to the motion, so it pulls the skates wheels in the direction opposite to the person's movement, which is westward.

Therefore, in this scenario, friction pulls the skates wheels westward.