Plants take up carbon dioxide from the air and nutrients from the soil. This is an example of interactions between the

geosphere, cryosphere, and atmosphere
biosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere
atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere
cryosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere

The correct answer is biosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere.

Explanation: In this interaction, the plants belong to the biosphere, representing the living organisms on Earth. They interact with the atmosphere, as they take in carbon dioxide from the air during the process of photosynthesis. Additionally, plants also interact with the geosphere, which refers to the solid Earth, as they absorb nutrients from the soil through their roots. Therefore, the correct choice is the biosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere.

To arrive at this answer, it is helpful to understand the different components of the Earth system and how they interact with each other. Here's a breakdown of each option to clarify:

1. Geosphere, cryosphere, and atmosphere: The geosphere refers to the solid Earth, the cryosphere includes the frozen components (glaciers, ice caps), and the atmosphere encompasses the gaseous layer that envelops the Earth. While plants interact with the geosphere and atmosphere, there is no direct interaction with the cryosphere in this example.

2. Biosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere: This option accurately describes the interaction between plants (biosphere), carbon dioxide in the air (atmosphere), and nutrient absorption from the soil (geosphere). It is the correct choice.

3. Atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere: This option refers to interactions involving the atmosphere (gaseous layer), hydrosphere (water bodies), and geosphere (solid Earth). While plants do interact with the atmosphere and geosphere, there is no direct interaction with the hydrosphere in this scenario.

4. Cryosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere: This choice involves interactions concerning the cryosphere (frozen components), atmosphere (gaseous layer), and hydrosphere (water bodies). While plants do interact with the atmosphere, they do not have direct interactions with either the cryosphere or the hydrosphere in this example.

If you know the meanings of these words, the answer will be clear.