Julia has 8 red barrettes 2/4 of her barrettes are red how many barrettes does Julia have?

16, I'm pretty sure. You mind helping me with my math question, the one posted right before yours?

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To find the total number of barrettes Julia has, we need to use the given information that 2/4 of her barrettes are red and she has 8 red barrettes.

Since 2/4 is the same as 1/2, we can say that 1/2 of her barrettes are red.

To find the total number of barrettes, we can use the concept of ratios. If 1/2 of her barrettes are red, then the other half must be a different color. So, the total number of barrettes is twice the number of red barrettes.

Therefore, 8 red barrettes x 2 = 16 barrettes in total.

Julia has 16 barrettes.