You use a line of best fit for a set of data to make a prediction about an unknown value. The correlation coefficient for your data set is -0.015. How confident can you be that your predicted value will be reasonably close to the actual value?

My guess is that, since the correlation coefficient ranges from -1 to 1, with 0 being no correlation, I can't be very confident that my predicted value will be very close to the actual value. This is because if the correlation coefficient is -0.015, it is quite close to 0.

Can someone please check if this is correct, or if there is anything I can add to my answer, thanks! (=

You are correct.

Please someone help??? Ms. Sue???

You are correct in your assessment. The correlation coefficient measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables. A correlation coefficient of -0.015 indicates a very weak and almost negligible correlation between the variables. Therefore, the line of best fit may not accurately capture the relationship between the variables, and your predicted value may not be reasonably close to the actual value. It is important to note that other factors, such as the scatter of the data points around the line of best fit, should also be considered when assessing the confidence in the prediction.

Your reasoning is correct! The correlation coefficient measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables. It ranges from -1 to +1, with 0 indicating no linear relationship.

In your case, a correlation coefficient of -0.015 suggests a very weak negative relationship between the variables. This means that as one variable increases, the other variable tends to slightly decrease, but the relationship is almost nonexistent. Since the correlation is so close to zero, you can conclude that there is no significant linear relationship between the variables.

Therefore, you are right in saying that you cannot be very confident that your predicted value will be reasonably close to the actual value. Without a strong linear relationship, using a line of best fit to make predictions may not accurately estimate the unknown value.

To strengthen your answer, you could also mention that when the correlation coefficient is close to zero, there tends to be a large amount of variability or scatter in the data points around the line of best fit. This indicates that the line is not a good model for making predictions.

In summary, a correlation coefficient of -0.015 indicates a very weak or negligible linear relationship, and therefore, it is not reasonable to be confident that your predicted value will be close to the actual value.