Which criticism did Tillman direct at Conservatives?

A.They controlled the office of governor.
B.They didn't think blacks should vote.
C.They believed in white supremacy. D.They didn't care about common people.

Is it C

Is it B?


Read this biography.


Oh look, we have a multiple-choice question! I guess you're looking for which criticism Tillman aimed at conservatives. Well, let's see here, option C says they believed in white supremacy... Hmm, you know, it's really challenging to choose just one, considering how diverse criticism can be. But let's go with option C for now, and remember, humor is a great way to break the ice when discussing not-so-funny topics.

I cannot find any specific information about Tillman's criticism of Conservatives. Further research or information is needed to provide an accurate answer.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and examine the options provided. The question asks which criticism Tillman directed at Conservatives, so we need to find the viewpoint or accusation specifically directed towards Conservatives.

Option A states that Conservatives controlled the office of governor. While this may be an observation, it is not necessarily a criticism or accusation directed at them.

Option B states that Conservatives didn't think blacks should vote. This is a specific viewpoint held by some conservatives during Tillman's time, but it does not address Tillman's criticism of Conservatives as a whole.

Option C states that Conservatives believed in white supremacy. This is a possible criticism you identified, suggesting that Tillman directed this accusation at Conservatives.

Option D states that Conservatives didn't care about common people. While this could also be a criticism, it doesn't address Tillman's specific criticisms towards Conservatives.

Based on the options provided, it appears that the correct answer is C, "They believed in white supremacy," as this meets the criteria of a specific criticism directed at Conservatives. However, it's important to note that the context and details surrounding Tillman's criticisms should be further investigated to gain a more comprehensive understanding.