What's your favorite food?

1. My favorite food is rice porridge.
2. My favorite food is rice soup.
3. My favorite food is rice gruel.
4. My favorite food is a hamburger.
5. My favorite food is hamburgers.
6. My favorite food is humburger.
Which expression is right among 1,2 and 3? Which one is correct among 4,5 and 6?

All of them are grammatically correct. Whether you call it porridge, soup, or gruel is a matter of preference. Soup, however, may include other ingredients besides rice and water, which porridge or gruel may not. "Chicken-rice" soup is popular in the USA.

#5 seems a little awkward, but there is nothing wrong with it. #4 is the best of the three about hamburger sandwiches. #6, "hamburger" could refer to other dishes made with ground beef, not just the sandwich. We use ground beef (hamburger) for many different dishes, including meat loaf, shepherd's pie, chili, etc.

mak me food pls. I only hav gren bean only 3 only.

Among options 1, 2, and 3, all three expressions are correct and are variations of the same food item. Rice porridge, rice soup, and rice gruel all refer to a dish made by cooking rice in a large amount of water or broth until it becomes soft and porridge-like in consistency.

However, among options 4, 5, and 6, the correct expression is option 4, "My favorite food is a hamburger." A hamburger is a specific type of sandwich made from ground beef, typically served on a bun with various toppings and condiments. Options 5 and 6 are misspellings of the word "hamburger" and do not represent the correct term.