A department manager is attempting to motivate employees by moving them from one

job to another. What is this strategy called?
A. Job enlargement C. Job rotation
B. Job enrichment D. Job justification

Job Rotation (I guess, I'm not much of a business expert yet...)

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The strategy described in the question, where a department manager moves employees from one job to another in order to motivate them, is called job rotation.

To arrive at this answer, it is helpful to understand the different strategies that can be used to increase employee motivation and engagement. This includes job enlargement, job rotation, job enrichment, and job justification.

Job enlargement refers to expanding the scope and variety of tasks within a particular job. This is done by adding more responsibilities and duties to the existing role in order to make it more challenging and interesting for the employee.

Job rotation, on the other hand, involves moving employees across different roles or positions within the organization. This is done to provide employees with a broader perspective and experience by exposing them to different tasks and responsibilities. It is also a way to avoid monotony and boredom in a single job.

Job enrichment is another strategy that involves increasing the depth and complexity of a job by giving employees more autonomy, authority, and control over their work. This can include opportunities for decision-making, skill development, and the ability to see the impact of their contributions.

Job justification is not a commonly recognized term or strategy in the context of employee motivation. It may be a result of confusion or a misunderstanding.

Given the specific scenario provided in the question, where employees are being moved from one job to another with the intention of motivating them, the correct answer would be job rotation.