Two teams are pulling on a rope. Team 1 pulls with a force of 124 newtons, while team 2 pulls with a force of 110 Newton in the opposite direction which of the following correctly describes the motion that will result

A. Team 1 will move, team 2 will not
B. Team 2 will move, team 1 will not
C. Team 1 will move in the direction of team 2
D. Team 2 will move in the direction of team 1

It is answer choice D.) since Team 1 is pulling to their side so they will start moving team 2 to closer to their side.

To determine the motion that will result from the forces applied by Team 1 and Team 2, we need to consider the net force acting on the rope. The net force is found by taking the difference between the two forces.

In this case, Team 1 is pulling with a force of 124 newtons, while Team 2 is pulling with a force of 110 newtons in the opposite direction. To find the net force, we subtract the force applied by Team 2 from the force applied by Team 1:

Net force = Force by Team 1 - Force by Team 2
= 124 N - 110 N
= 14 N

The net force acting on the rope is 14 newtons.

Since there is a net force acting on the rope, it will result in motion. The direction of the motion is determined by the net force. In this case, since the net force is positive (14 N), the rope will move in the direction of Team 1's pull.

Therefore, the correct answer is: C. Team 1 will move in the direction of Team 2.


C'mon Tonya. Look at the numbers. Draw the picture.